Contest over at Constant Revisions Blog

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just want to say that the best blog I've found lately is Simon C. Larter's Constant Revisions. Simon is a hoot, and tells it like it is. I like that. Plus I love his sense of humor. The contest post is here. Check out his blog, and follow him on Twitter @WritingAgain.

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Test Post: Blogging on MyTouch

Image representing Android as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

I blogged on my Blackberry. I got this MyTouch in February, and I'm just now trying mobile blogging from this phone. Yes, I'm easily distracted.

Anyhoo, I'm using Blogger-droid from Android Market. The photo is from one of my Picasa photo albums. (Photo was edited. See below.) Picasa is required for this app. Don't like that, but only because I don't use Picasa very much.

First thing I checked was if it could save drafts. It does. Second thing I noticed is that the predictive text function isn't working. I don't like that, either. Guess I'd better brush up on my texting accuracy skills, or find another app that will allow predictive text to work.
My point in all this is that I don't have the luxury of having a job that allows me to bring my netbook to work anymore. That is what saved my ass during NaNoWriMo last year. So the time I am at the keyboard has been greatly reduced.

I have to find a way to blog on the go as well as work on my novels on the go. My productivity must increase in proportion to the reduced amount of time I now spend at my computer. Hopefully this phone will save my ass this November. Saving as draft now to check if that works. It does.

I have Dropbox, Documents to Go, and the amazing Evernote all on my phone for working on my novels. But I need to blog more often. I got a kick in the creative pants in June on Twitter from my friend Warren Wooden of PLR Internet Marketing. Thank you for that kick, Warren. I needed it. Moreover, I deserved it. Six months with no post! *hangs head in shame* I told you I get distracted easily, didn't I? *checks post* Yes, I did.

I'm also going to check out blogaway 4.2 from Android Market, and also Mail2Blogger with my Gmail. So there will possible be more posts similar to this one. I know they aren't interesting. Sorry 'bout that.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.7
Update: Predictive text is working in edit mode. Links are a pain in the ass on the phone. And I won't lie. I've got that Honest Scrap Blog Award thingie on the sidebar, so I have to be honest. I updated and edited some of this post and changed the post pic using Zemanta on Elvira, my trusty desktop eMachine. And I am not ashamed to admit that. Some habits are hard to break. ;)
Update2: blogaway 4.2 from Android Market won't work right on my phone. That is really sad because that app rocks! It lists all your blog posts and saves drafts. Predictive text works in it. You can even read blogs with it, but it doesn't automatically load my Google Reader, so you have to add the blogs URLs you want to read manually. I don't like manually adding anything nowadays. If the bugs were fixed, this would be the best blogging app for Android in my opinion. I'm following them on Twitter @blogaway to hopefully find some solutions.

Oh, well. I guess I'll stick with Blogger-droid for now. Less temptation to read instead of write that way. And God knows I am distracted easily enough these days. ;) It's a pretty cool app. It lists all my published posts, and when I click on them they come up in my browser so I can see my whole blog. I like that. It seems a little unstable, though. Sometimes the page won't load when I click on "Published Posts." Other than that, it's very good. If the instability continues, I'll have to uninstall and stick with Evernote and Mail2Blogger. I just can't label in Mail2Blogger, and that's pretty important for my blog posts. What's the point of mobile blogging if I have to get on the computer and edit my post for something as trivial as a label? ;)

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92,208,506 Gallons of Oil in the Gulf

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Around 4PM today I got the news I'd been praying to hear for almost 3 months. The Gulf oil spill has been stopped for the moment. In only 87 days, over 92 MILLION gallons of oil are in the Gulf.

Just out of curiosity, I looked this up. Thanks to Robert Fogt at

by Robert Fogt on 08/14/03 at 03:59:50
"I found data for:

Oil, petroleum
Specific Gravity 0.88

That means that it weighs 0.88 kilograms/liter

1 liter = 0.2641721 gallon [US, liquid]
0.88 / 0.2641721 = 3.3312 kilograms/gallon
1 kilogram = 2.2046226 pound
3.3312 * 2.2046226 = 7.344 pounds/gallon

1 gallon weighs 7.344, 7000 gallons would weigh
7000 * 7.344 = 51,408 pounds

For the PSI, I am assuming you mean when the tank is overfilled far enough and the pressure on the panels becomes great enough, they blow to allow the overflow to exit.  Something like that.

But, I am not sure how you would go about calculating that."

So that means that 676,164,974 pounds of oil went into the Gulf. Over half of a billion pounds of oil.

God help us. We sure need it. 

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Steal This Post and Show the World: Please Copy, Please Share. Please Care Enough Paste Everywhere

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This is the ONLY time I will ask you to PLEASE STEAL THIS POST. Please, please copy and paste this video everywhere. Permission from the creator of the video to copy and distribute this video is given in the video information.
Thank you DreamChild777 on Twitter for the link love, and JimUFO on YouTube for creating this video.

I fear for my planet. Even a dog won't soil his bed. We are the most intelligent species on the planet, and this is what we have done and continue to do on a daily basis. *smh*

No more words are needed for this post.

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